File Automation

PSS Home Page > Settings > Client API

Once you land on the Client API Settings page, proceed to the File Automation section.

File Automation

File Retrieval Protocol

PSS can pull price and/or inventory by either HTTP or FTP

FTP Hostname

Enter the Hostname.  This field may be ignored if the File Retrieval Protocol is set to HTTP

FTP Username and Password

The credentials for the file you are posting for PSS to retrieve.

Inventory File URL

The URL of a self-hosted Shelf Inventory file PSS will retrieve on a daily basis. If "File Retrieval Protocol" is set to FTP this value should be a relative path to the file.  You must use our Shelf Inventory Template

Price File URL

The URL of a self-hosted Price Override file PSS will retrieve on a daily basis. If "File Retrieval Protocol" is set to FTP this value should be a relative path to the file.

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