eBay Listing Status - Errors and Fixes

You will want to be aware of the many statuses that your PSS Managed eBay Listings will move between.  You can filter the Listing Status from both the Catalog and eBay View All Listings.
PSS Home Page > Catalog Search: Left Nav Filter by eBay Listing Status
Note:  In eBay View All Listings, once you filter down your listings to a particular status you can get an even more precise Error Report by clicking on the eBay Listing Title and scrolling to the bottom of the Listing Preview.


These are live, active listings that are being regularly revised for price and inventory.


These are not online.  The precise reason that these listings are offline is broken down into multiple different sub-statuses.


If a user decides to disable a listing it will be taken down.  You can then re-enable the listing and it will come back online.  PSS does not disable listings.  The only reason people would typically disable a listing is that of inaccurate information or a MAP violation.  Any listing that you disable should be offline within an hour.

Listing Issue: Duplicate Title

These are offline, inactive listings because a listing with the same listing already exists.  If you create two listings with the same title, at the same time, neither listing will create.  If you create a listing but a listing was previously created and posted with the same title, the online listing will remain however the new one you attempted to list will not be created.

Listing Issue: Request Error

These are offline, inactive listings because eBay has an issue with one or more aspect of your listing.  If you click on the listing title and scroll to the bottom of the listing preview you will be able to see the creation report with the reason that the item failed to post.  The most common errors are:
Listing Template Issues
  • Package weight exceeds the maximum limit.  The maximum value you can have for weight on a template is 4 pounds.  To cure just go to the template associated with the listing and edit the weight.
  • Shipping Surcharge fee is not applicable.  You need to make sure that when you are charging a Surcharge that UPS or Fedex are used.  USPS is not valid.  Also, DO NOT use GROUND methods since it is not possible to drive to HI or PR.  Listings will error.
Listing Title/Subtitle Issues
  • A subtitle is limited to 55 characters.  To cure just go to eBay View All Listings, highlight the row, click Quick Edit to amend the subtitle down under 55 characters.  Don't use title tags in your subtitles as this is the main cause for this issue.
Listing Type Issues
  • Variations not enabled in the category.  This is common.  eBay motors does not allow variations on the majority of hard parts.  Make sure that your hard parts are listed as individual listings.  

Listing Issue: Title Length

These are offline, inactive listings because the title is longer than the eBay allowed 80 characters.  You can edit the listing titles in the UI or by spreadsheet.

Product Issue: Missing Image

PSS does not have an image for this product.  You may perform and  Image Override and add your own image.  
Or you may simply assign your logo as an image so that the product easily goes online. In PSS Settings > eBay scroll down to Missing Image Settings.  Check the Enable Fallback Image box and input a valid URL.  HTTPS formatted link, please.  

Product Issue: Out of Stock

Based on what the distributor has in stock and how you have your inventory rules and settings configured, PSS is unable to push the valid stock to the marketplace.  
If the distributor has this in stock but PSS has it in OOS status you can start your own investigation into the issue by searching the MPN in the catalog and clicking the  Calculate Inventory button.

From here you may want to check your  Inventory Rules and  eBay Settings to see if adjustments can be made to bring this product online to the marketplace.
If you have an Out of Stock issue that is not related to the above then, by all means, please open up a ticket with our support team and we will investigate the issue.

Product Issue: Pricing

This listing failed to list due to pricing errors.  It is likely below your  Minimum Price Threshold. If you have a min price threshold set to $20 but the product in question has an msrp of $10, it will error out for pricing.  Also, double-check that all products associated with this listing have valid price information. 


We recommend that you do not watch or supervise this component too intently.  A product may move in and out of these statuses at any time throughout the day in order to automate revisions or creations.  Below is a brief explanation of what is happening behind the scenes when in the associated status:
Pending: Confirmation
Information has been sent to eBay and we are waiting for them to confirm success or failure receipt of said information.
Pending: Creation
Listings have been created in PSS and are in the process of being created in eBay.
Processing Recreation: Ending
The listing is currently online and we are now ending it.
Processing Recreation: Creating
The listing is currently offline and PSS is attempting to relist the item.  An item will need to be recreated for a number of reasons, most important being a failed item revision.
Processing: Revision
The listings are in the process of revising.

Failed Revisions

PSS revises millions of eBay listings each and every day by submitting revision feeds.  Occasionally a revision to a listing will fail.  This is typically not a shortcoming of PSS, but the nature in which listings work in eBay.
The same reasons that a listing might fail to be created are the same reasons why it might fail to revise.  If you see failed revisions on your dash you can review the revision error message on the listing preview in PSS and try to resolve.  If you cannot revise or do not understand why the revision is failing, please open a support ticket and we will be happy to end and or relist the item.

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